Parish magazine

tussentijds10 times per year the parish magazine – Tussentijds – is published and made available free of cost.

With Tussentijds you can stay up to date about the activities of the whole parish, the different communities – Dutch and English speaking – and about everything that happens in catholic Utrecht.

Under the leadership of Adeline Riesselmann the editorial staff  provide this magazine, with support from correspondents in the different communities.

de-wereld-in-de-kerkAbout the English speaking community there is at least one space reserved with an interview with members of our community written in English – De wereld in de kerk (The world in the church). Here you can get to know a bit more about the other parishioners.

The Tussentijds magazine is printed in an amount of around 6500 copies per edition. The delivery of the magazine happens through the communities. You will find one free of charge piled up next to the mass leaflets.

It is possible for the magazine to be sent to your address, provided that the shipping costs are paid. If you are interested in the delivery to your address please contact the diocese via the email address:

You can also read the digital version of the latest numbers in their website –